family, friends, wildlife, nature, science, technology, spirit


Dulang, 2022

Live Edge with Cholla and Stone Accents and Metal Legs

A low short-legged live edge dining set called a Dulang in Tagalog from two parts of a mesquite tree joined with a collection of stones and cholla ribs.

Floating Sink and Shelf, 2021

Live Edge 

Cookie cuts of large mesquite trees for live edge floating shelf and sink bathroom interior design.

Thermal Cores, 2022

Tree Cores and Acrylic Pour on Canvas

Pinus ponderosa, Pinus strobiformis and psudotsuga menziesii tree cores collected from a thermal sapwood study placed on acyrlic core on canvas.


LiDAR Tree Detection and Segmentation, 2022

Terrestrial Point Clouds

Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging tree segmentation collection of a sky island higher elevation forest patch. Individual trees are visualized with a point of view through forest stem trucks and a birds eye view. Trees are further segmented to detect tree stems as a means to measure woody biomass carbon stock. Raw data from Flurin Lab

Woody Cover Hyperspectral Reflectance and Height, 2021

Drone and Airborne Flight Imagery

Various visualizations to aid in informing vegetation research studies. A true color RBG high spatial resolution drone image view of vegetation cover from a semi-arid region next to the respective hyperspectral indices reflectance composite and the woody cover canopy height. The hyperspectral indices informed various vegetation  reflectances across the electromagnetic spectrum, while the canopy height model was derived from LiDAR point clouds. Raw data from NEON

Landsat, 2019

Satellite Imagery

Landsat 8 satellite false color composite scenes over various admired locations. Band combinations vary from Panchromaric (B8), Short Wave Infrared 1 (B6) and Short Wave Infrared 2 (B7) for the red, green and blue model. The combination of sensors capture and colorfully highlight various reflectance of light focused on water bodies and clouds. Raw data from the U.S.G.S.

Santa Cruz River RedDye Research, 2022

Drone Imagery

A collection of drone images that were taken at 9am to document bio safe dye injections to gather water-travel data to inform laboratory experiments in collaboration with the US Geological Survey and University of Arizona researchers. Drone images taken for the University of Arizona, with ARSC

Field Sites, 2022

Drone Imagery

Images collected from field sites.

Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus)
Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus)
Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus)

Earth, 2018-Present

Digital Photography

birds, reptiles, mammals with a Nikon

UX | UI Design